Using the Stowaway keyboard
• Commands joined by a dash “–” mean that the key combination must be
pressed in order and with all keys held down at the same time.
• Commands joined by a plus “+” mean that the key following the “+”
must be pressed after the initial key combination is pressed and released.
• The keyboard provides 2 separate color-coded function keys (blue <Fn>
and green <Fn>) that enable you to navigate the device or access
numbers and symbols. In the tables below, the blue <Fn> key is to the
left of the spacebar and is referred to as <LFn>. The green <Fn> key is
to the right of the spacebar and is referred to as <RFn>.
Moving the Cursor/Highlighting Text
You can easily navigate, position the cursor, and select text for subsequent
editing functions with these key combinations:
Action Shortcut
The cursor moves left (back) one word
The cursor moves right (forward) one word
Select (highlight) next character to the left
Select (highlight) next character to the right
Select (highlight) previous line
Select (highlight) next line
Select (highlight) the next word to the left
Select (highlight) the next word to the right
Select (highlight) the previous paragraph
Select (highlight) the next paragraph
Beginning of the line
End of the line
Page up one page at a time
Page down one page at a time
The cursor moves to the beginning of the document
The cursor moves to the end of the document
The cursor moves to the top of the page
The cursor moves to the bottom of the page
Stowaway Ultra-Slim Owner’s Manual for Windows Mobile
Page 19