● Make sure the wireless router of internet service can work in normal.
● Ensure the MID and wireless router in certain distance, and no wall
or other barrier between them.
● Ensure the user name and password both correct.
● Ensure your internet is well connected.
● Make sure your email setting way is correct.
● Keep your system time and local time consitent.
12. Troubles Shooting
1. The first startup of MID is slow
2. MID can’t connect Wi-Fi
3. MID feels hot
After the MID system upgraded, the first startup need to install the
pre-installed application softwares, the lead time is around 2-3
minutes, the startup afterwards will be much quicker.
When many application procedures are used in meanwhile, or the
brightness of screen open to the lightest or under charging, MID may
feel fever. It is normal.
4. Email can’t be set or Registeration of application procedure.
When you install some third party application procedure, it may cause
abnormal work, you can press Reset key(next to power port) to reset
the system.
5. The system is abnormal and can’t work.