Imation Product Environmental Sheet
The information and recommendations set forth are made in good faith and are believed to be accurate at the date of preparation.
Imation makes no warranty expressed or implied.
Page 1 of 1 Rev. June 29, 2005
3480/3490E Tape Cartridges
Imation Corp.
1 Imation Way
Oakdale, MN 55128-3414
Internet: www.imation.com
Product Information USA:
International Contacts:
Country Telephone Email
France techinfofr@imation.com
Germany 09001.462846 techinfode@imation.com
Italy 02.2104.3818 infoit@imation.com
Netherlands 020.654.26.05 techinfonl@imation.com
Spain 091.382.84.05 productsinformatic@imation.com
UK 0.1344.862.201 techinfouk@imation.com
3480/3490E Tape Cartridges, are considered “articles” as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard [29CFR
1910.1200]. As such, these products are exempt from the Standard and Material Safety Data Sheet requirements. This
Product Information Sheet is provided as a resource to our customers.
The following components are found in Imation 3480/3490E Tape Cartridges:
Components Material Weight Percent of Product
Plastic components Polycarbonate 40-50
Film substrate PET (polyethylene film) 20-30
Coating Chromium Dioxide 15-20
Binder system Polyester, polyurethane 5-10
Metal parts Aluminum, stainless steel 1-5
• Store in a dry area, away from excessive heat, moisture, chemical fumes and magnetic fields.
• Imation has conducted Toxic Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP) tests, per the EPA testing protocol for
hazardous waste. These Imation Brand products are not considered regulated waste and are within Federal
regulatory limits for TCLP.
• Check with state and local regulations before disposal as they may differ from the Federal classification.
• 3480/3490E Tape Cartridges may be landfilled if permissible, recycled or incinerated.
• Product components and packaging comply with European RoHS and WEEE laws.
• Product components and packaging do not contain or use substance groups of level A that are documented in Japan
Green Procurement Survey Standardization Initiative.
• Other international disposal or recycling requirements may apply.
• 3480/3490E Tape Cartridges are not subject to the requirements of Department of Transportation (DOT) 49 CFR,
Subchapter C, Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR), the European ADR/RID Dangerous Goods Regulations, or
the Japan Transportation Ministry Dangerous Goods Regulations.
• 3480/3490E Tape Cartridges are not regulated as a Hazardous Material by the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or the International Maritime Dangerous
Goods Code (IMDG).
• Combustion temperature of tape: 235° C (455° F).
• The tape film base is the primary combustible component, which will oxidize in a fire to hydrocarbon based materials;
carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, organic acids, aldehydes, and alcohols. The coatings will oxidize to similar
products. Contains no PVC plastic.
• Extinguishing Media: Water.