U-LinkSoftware Libraries is a trademark of Intelligent Instrumentation Incorporated.
VisualDesigner is a registered trademark of Intelligent Instrumentation Incorporated.
LabVIEW is a registered trademark of National Instruments Corporation.
Windows 98 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other
Other products or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Use of EquipmentUse of Equipment
Intelligent Instrumentation Inc., assumes no responsibility for any direct, indirect or
consequential loss or damages resulting from misuse of the equipment or for improper or
inadequate maintenance of the equipment or for any such damage or loss resulting from the use
of other equipment, attachments, accessories, and repairs at any time made to or placed upon the
equipment or any replacement thereof. Furthermore, Intelligent Instrumentation Inc., makes no
representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, in connection with the use of the
equipment in the event it is improperly used, repaired or maintained.
FCC Radio Frequency Interference StatementFCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy, and may cause interference to radio
or television reception.
Per FCC rules, Part 15, Subpart J, operation of this equipment is subject to the conditions that no
harmful interference is caused and that interference must be accepted that may be caused by
other incidental or restricted radiation devices, industrial, scientific or medical equipment, or
from any authorized radio user.
The operator of a computing device may be required to stop operating his device upon a finding
that the device is causing harmful interference and it is in the public interest to stop operation
until the interference problem has been corrected.
The user of this equipment is responsible for any interference to radio or television reception
caused by the equipment. It is the responsibility of the user to correct such interference.