22 InFocus LiteShow User’s Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
The following are questions that you may have about the LiteShow system and its individual parts.
Q: I received a message telling me that no wireless adapter or USB wireless adapter with OID support was
found. What should I do?
A: No matter how new a computer and wireless adapter or USB wireless adapter are, they may need new drivers. It is
recommended that you go to your computer's and wireless adapter’s or USB wireless adapter's websites and see if
newer drivers exist. If so, consider downloading and installing them. If newer drivers aren't available, contact your
equipments' technical support areas and inquire about updated drivers that support OIDs. It's very likely that if you
did not purchase your wireless device bundled as part of your LiteShow package, it will need its drivers updated.
Q: When projecting, I switched the computer’s screen area to 640x480 pixels and the projected image shrank to
50% height but stayed at 100% width. What’s wrong?
A: Unfortunately, 640x480 pixels is not a supported mode. Make sure that you are projecting from modes that are
800x600 or higher.
Q: Why does my computer or my desktop icons flicker, or my task bar go blank when I click the Project button?
A: It is likely that your computer is switching resolutions.
u. If you are unsure how to change the projector’s mode, consult the User’s Guide that came with it
Q: Why does my animated cursor not animate on the LiteShow-enabled projection?
A: Some cursors do not “animate” in the projected image. This can be the nature of animated cursors in wireless pro-
jection as it displays the desktop to the projected screen. Animated cursors are not recommended for use in LiteShow
Q: Is it okay to remove the plastic top from the LiteShow adapter?