Shutting down the projector
Auto Off Time
The projector also has an Auto Off Time feature that automatically turns the
projector off after no active sources are detected and no user interaction with the
projector is performed for 30 minutes. By default, this feature is off. You can
change the length of time, see page 29.
Turning off the projector
To turn the projector off, press the Power button on the remote or keypad. The lamp
turns off and the Power LED blinks blue for 1 minute while the fans continue to run
to cool the lamp. If the Power Saving Mode feature is on and when the lamp has
cooled, the LED lights blue and the fans stop. If the Power Saving Mode feature is
off and when the lamp has cooled, the LED blinks blue and the fans stop. Unplug
the power cable to completely power off the projector.
Troubleshooting your setup
If your image appears correctly on the screen, skip to the next section. If it does not,
troubleshoot the setup.
The Status Indicator Panel on top of the projec
tor indicates the state of the projector
and can help you troubleshoot
Table 4: Status indicator light behavior and meaning
Status Indicator Light Meaning
POWER: Solid blue
POWER: Blinking blue
1. If the Power Saving Mode feature is on,
the projector is plugged in.
2. The projector is on and initialized.
3. The projector is in normal operation.
1. If the Power Saving Mode is off, the
is plugged in.
2. The projector is powering down and the
ns are cooling the projector.
POWER: Blinking blue
TEMP/LAMP: Blinking pink
POWER: Solid blue
TEMP/LAMP: Blinking pink
The projector fan(s) are not operating
ectly and the projector has been shut
The lamp failed to ignite.
Contact Technical Support if the problem
ists. Visit www.infocus.com/support to
contact service.
POWER: Solid blue
TEMP/LAMP: Blinking red
The lamp has reached its end of life and
be replaced. The lamp will continue
to operate untils it fails.
Contact Technical Support. Repair may be
POWER: Solid blue
TEMP/LAMP: Blinking blue
1. The projector is overheating and the
lamp will
shut off. The fans will
continue to run.
2. The projector will not turn back on until
the c
oling process is complete.