Daisy Chain Communication
Calculation of Checksum
Sum up all of 12 bytes except the Checksum, then make the bit inversion of the
lowest byte of the total, and add 1 to the inverted byte. The calculated result is
the Checksum data.
Exp. Communication Group: A / Communication ID: 1
Header data (7 bytes) Command data (6 bytes)
Header Packet
Data Size Group ID Checksum Action Type Setting
BE EF 83 06 01 01 66 01 00 00 60 01 00
BE + EF + 83 + 06 + 01 + 01 + 01 + 00 + 00 + 60 + 01 + 00 = ‘029AH’
The lowest byte of ‘029AH’ is ‘9AH’ (1001 1010). Making the bit inversion of the
‘9AH’ gets ‘65H’ (0110 0101), then, add 1. The calculated checksum is ’66H’.
Group and ID Settings
This daisy chain command can adjust the control range by using the Group
identication and ID.
Group ID Direction note
1~16 1~64 Individual control The command is available to the projectors with
the same Group identication and ID numbers and
command setting.
1~16 0 Designated control
according to the
Group identication
The command is available to the projectors with the
same Group identication and command setting.
0 1~64 Designated control
according to the ID
The command is available to the projectors with the
same ID number and command setting.
0 0 Unlimited. The command is available to the all projectors.