Custom Key (for use with optional remote only): allows you to assign a dif-
ferent function to the Custom key on the optional remote to quickly and eas-
ily use the effect. Only one effect can be enabled at a time. The default is
ce Info; highlight an effect and press Select to choose a different one.
Blank: shows an empty screen.
Mute: turns off all sound.
AV Mute: turns of
f all sound and displays a blank screen.
Aspect Ratio: sets the ratio of the image
width to image height.
Source: cycles through the available sources.
Auto Image: causes all sources to be reacquired.
Freeze: pauses the projected image.
Magnify: allows you to enlarge a section of the projected image.
Ruled Lines: displays line
patterns that are useful when projecting onto a
writeable surface, or when installing and setting up the projector.
Split Screen: enable
s or disables Split Screen. Before using this for the
first time, configure Split Screen sources and layouts using the Split
Screen menu.
Source Info: di
splays the Source Info menu.
Service Info: displays the Service Info menu.
Network: The project
or has an RJ45 Ethernet connector that supports net-
work connections and TCP/IP protocols. This wi
ll allow for the control and
management of the projector over a corporate network. Visit our website for
complete details on using the networking functionality. The following fields
are accessible when DHCP is not checked and available for manual entry of
For network control, you can access the
through Port 23 (Telnet).
We use the same control codes on serial a
s we do over the network. InFocus
network control uses the Teln
et packet structure.
IP Address: Identifies the projector on the network.
Subnet Mask:
the network address part of the IP address.
Default Gateway: The IP ad
dress of the local router.
DNS Server: Shows the ad
dress of the DNS server.
DHCP: Select this to automatically obtai
n an IP address, Subnet mask,
and Default gateway.
AMX DD: When enabled, allows the AMX controller to dynamically
tect t
he projector.
Network Restart: Disc
onnects the projector from the network, gets a
new IP address, and reconnects.
Network Info: Provide
s information on the network configuration.