1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing Presenter-to-Go
by MARGI Systems
. Presenter-to-Go is
available as a Secure Digital (SD) Card for Palm’s® line of personal assistants and a
Memory Stick
(MS) for Sony
handhelds. It comes with two Palm applications
that allow the Palm to be used as a presentation tool in two distinctly different ways:
1. Using “Presenter-to-Go” PC software and its associated Palm application, a user can
compress and load images from PowerPoint
(and other printable documents) from a PC
or MAC into the Palm handheld using the HotSync process. The user can then carry their
handheld to the presentation, connect to a digital projector (or VGA display) and make
1024 x 768 color presentations without the need for a laptop computer. The Presenter-
to-Go application is supported on Windows 98 and 2000, Millennium, XP, NT4 and
Macintosh OS 8.5 – 9.2 operating platforms.
2. Using the “MARGI Mirror” Palm OS application and the Presenter-to-Go card, a Palm
user can connect to a digital projector (or a VGA display) and display the contents of the
Palm’s LCD at 1 - 4X multiples of 160 x 160 regardless of the application it is running.
MARGI Mirror and the Presenter-to-Go card act like a graphics output card for the
handheld. It is even possible to attach a keyboard, run word processing software, and
see the output on the display as one type on the keyboard. Color graphics are supported
when using color models. Information on MARGI Mirror starts in Section 10 of this
This guide contains information on installation and use of both the “Presenter-to-Go” and
the “MARGI Mirror” applications. Downloadable updates and information are posted on
the MARGI web site, http://www.margi.com/
under Support.
Your Product Packaging Contains:
1) Presenter-to-Go
Card/Cable with power port
2) A/C Adapter
3) Remote Control
4) Presenter-to-Go Installation CD.
5) MARGI Mirror
& Presenter-to-Go Palm applications
6) Projector connection cable
7) Quickstart Card