Settings menu
Audio: allows adjustments to the volume. Also allows you to turn on and off
the Internal speakers and assign a particular source to a specific audio
input. If your HDMI source has problems with its audio stream, you can
mute it by selecting HDMI Noise Cancel.
Monitor Out Default: Det
rmines the source (either Computer 2 or Computer
3) which is output through the Monitor Out connector. Computer 2: Out-
puts Computer 2 unless current source is
3 (in that case output
Computer 3 instead). Computer 3: Outputs Computer 3 unless current
source is Computer 2 (in that case output Computer 2 instead). Off: Outputs
the current source if it is Computer 2 or Computer 3. Otherwise do not out-
put any signal.
: allows you to assign a particular input to a specific source key
when using the remote. Also allows selection of a default Startup Source
and enables or disables Autosource.
Sources>Power-up Source: this
determines which source the projector checks
first for active signal during power-up.
Sources>Autosource: When
urce is not checked, the projector defaults
to the source selected in Powerup Source. If no source is found, a blank
screen displays. When Autosource is checked, Powerup Source determines
which source the projector defaults to at power-up. If no signal is present,
the projector checks the sources in order until a source is found or until
power down.
System>Rear: reve
rses the image so you can project from behind a trans-
lucent screen.
turns the image upside down for ceiling-mounted projection.
G: To preven
t eye injury if the projector is ceiling mounted,
wear protective eyewear before opening lamp door. A warning sticker is
included with the user documentation. Place this sticker on the lamp
door if the projector is mounted on the ceiling.
IR Receivers: turns i
dividual IR receivers off or on to avoid environmen-
tal interference.
Auto Power: When A
uto Power is checked, the projector automatically
goes into the startup state after the projector is powered on. This allows
control of ceiling mounted projectors with a wall power switch.
Display Messages: d
isplays status messages (such as “Searching”) in the
lower-left corner of the screen.