Chapter 3
Subsystem Monitoring
3.1 Subsystem Monitoring Overview
The A16E-G2130-4 subsystem is equipped with a variety of self-monitoring
features that help to keep subsystem managers informed of the subsystem
operational statuses. These monitoring features provide vital feedback to
help you maintain the operational integrity of the subsystem. Prompt
response to warnings and subsystem component failure notifications will
ensure data integrity and help ensure the longevity of the subsystem.
Self-monitoring features include:
Firmware (FW): The RAID controller in the subsystem is
managed by preinstalled FW, which can be accessed using a PC
hyper-terminal connected through the COM1 serial port. Device
status information can be obtained from the FW-embedded
configuration utility. The FW is fully described in the Generic
Operation Manual that came with your system. Please refer to
this manual for further information.
RAIDWatch: RAIDWatch is a fully integrated, Java-based,
Graphical User Interface (GUI) that came with the subsystem and
can be used to monitor and maintain the subsystem locally or
remotely over TCP/IP network. Connection to RAIDWatch is
made using the 10/100BaseT management port.
The RAIDWatch Panel View can be customized to display a
graphical representation of the subsystem components in the
content panel of the RAIDWatch screen. Panel View allows you
to quickly determine the operational status of critical components.
Please refer to the RAIDWatch User’s Manual for further details.
Detailed installation instructions for RAIDWatch Manager are given in
the RAIDWatch User’s Manual contained in the CD that came with
your subsystem.
Configuration Client: The Configuration Client is a powerful
module that runs as an independent program from RAIDWatch
and can be installed redundantly on different hosts. It is used for
Subsystem Monitoring Overview