
3.6.1 Auto Restart- This setpoint is used to enable or
disable the auto restart option.
3.6.2 Auto Restart Time- This setpoint is the minimum
time period the compressor must run unloaded before
it can stop in the auto restart mode.
3.6.3 Auto Restart Delay Time- If the compressor is
stopped in auto restart, this setpoint is the number of
seconds the package discharge pressure must remain
below the online pressure setpoint before the
compressor will restart.
3.6.4 Sequencer- This setpoint is used to enable or
disable sequencer operation.
3.6.5 Remote Start/Stpop- This setpoint is used to
enable or disable the remote start/stop option.
3.6.6 Power Out Restart- This setpoint is used to
enable or disable the power out restart option, if it is
3.7.7 Power Out Restart Time- If the power out
restart option is installed and enabled, this setpoint is
time period between power returning to the
compressor and the compressor starting.
3.6.8 Low Ambient- This setpoint enables or disables
the low ambient option. If the low ambient option is
enabled, sensor 3CTT must be installed in the
3.6.9 Minimum Cooler Out Temperature- When the
low ambient option is installed, this setpoint is the
minimum temperature to which the coolant must rise
before the compressor will load.
3.6.10 Separator Delta-P Solenoid- This setpoint
enables or disables the separator delta-p solenoid
option. Enabling this option will automatically disable
the Separator Delta-P Sensor option.
3.6.11 Separator Delta-P Sensor- This setpoint
enables or disables the separator delta-p sensor
option. Enabling this option will automatically disable
the Separator Delta-P Solenoid option.
3.6.12 Lead/Lag Cycle Length- This setpoint enables
the automatic cycling between lead and lag operation.
If it is set to a value greater than 0, the controller will
cycle between lead and lag operation. The value of this
set point is the cycle length in real time hours. A value
of 0 will disable the automatic cycling between lead
and lag.
3.6.13 Scheduled Start- If the scheduled start/stop
option is installed, this set point is the time of the day
(hour and minute) that the compressor will
automatically start. To disable this option, set it to the
same value as the scheduled stop (section 3.6.14).
3.6.14 Scheduled Stop- If the scheduled start/stop
option is installed, this setpoint is the time of the day
(hour and minute) that the compressor will
automatically stop. To disable this option, set it to the
same value as the scheduled start (section 3.6.13).
3.6.15 High Dust Filter- This option enables or
disables the high dust filter operation.
3.6.16 Modbus Protocol- This option is for Ingersoll-
Rand service use only.
3.6.17 Modbus Address- This feature is used with the
Modbus Protocol and is for Ingersoll-Rand service use