connected to the same circuit, the total electrica! load must be
considered in selecting the proper wire size DO NOT USE
FUSES., Refer to the National Electric Code to determine the proper
fuse or circuit breaker rating required. When selecting fuses,
remember the momentary starting current of an electric motor is
greater than its full load current Time-delay or "slow-blow" fuses
are recommended.
Single-Phase Wiring
uJ L=J
T = Supply Line Terminal
L = Load Terminal
used disconnecLorclrcu_tbreaker
Pressure switch
(inctltde_ on/auto-off switch)
Singie phase
CAUTION Do not operate without lubricant or with inadequate
lubricant. Ingersoll-Rand fs not responsible for
compressor failure caused by inadequate
SYNTHETIC LUBRICANT. We recommend thgersolI-Rand
synthetic compressor lubricant from start-up See the WARRANTY
section for extended warranty information
ALTERNATE LUBRfOANTS. You may use a petroleum-based
lubricant that is premium quality, does not contain detergents,
contains only anti-rust, anti-oxidation, and anti-foam agents as
additives, has a fieshpoint of 440°F (227°C) or higher, and has an
auto-ignition polnt of 650=F (343°C) or higher
See the petroleum lubricant viscosity table below The table is
intended as a general guide only Heavy duty operating conditions
require heavier viscosities,, Refer specific operating conditions to
_our dealer for recommendations
Temperature Around Unit Vlscosib' @ 100"F (37 8"C) Viscosity Grade
_F "C SUS Centtstokes 1SO SAE
40 & below 4 4 & below 150 32 32 10
40 - BO 4 4 - 26 7 500 t10 !00 30
80 - 125 26.7 - 51.0 750 165 '_50 40
you use a petroleum-based compressor lubricant at start-up and
decide to convert to Ingersoll-Rand synthetic compressor lubricant
later on, the compressor valves must be thoroughly decarbonized
and the crankcase must be flushed before conversion
t,, Unscrew and remove the ell fillplug (A)
2. Slowly flit the crankcase with lubricant until the lubricant reaches the
top thread of the sit filI opening and the top of the sight glass
Crankcase capacity for the SS3 Is one-half (0 5) Iiter Crankcase
capacity for the SS5 is one (1) liter.,
3. Replace the oil fill plug HAND TIGHT ONLY
Filling Procedures
Follow this procedure before putting the unit into service for the first
t. Set the pressure swffch lever to "OFF"..
Pressure Switch Lever
2. Open the service valve fully to prevent air pressure from building in
the tank. (A=Open, B=Closed)
Service Valve
3. Move the pressure switch lever to "ON/AUTO _ The unit will start
4. Run the unit for 30 minutes Ensure the service vaive is fully open
and there is no tank pressure build up
Unusual noise or vibration indicates a problem Do
not continue to operate until you identify and
correct the source of the problem., IF EMERGENCY
5., After 30 minutes, close the service valve fully. The air receiver will fill
to cut-out pressure and the motor will stop The unit is now ready for
Your air compressor was designed for f 00% continuous duty
operation with the use of Ingersoll-Rand synthetic compressor
lubricant and 60% continuous duty operation with the use of
petroleum lubricant In other words, synthetic lubricant allows the
compressor to pump continuously without cycling Petroleum
lubricant limits the compressor to a maximum of 36 minutes of
pumping time per hour The compressor should not cycle more than
10 times per hour