Table 3-1 16-Channel DVR Front Panel Controls
Position Control Function
1 Camera Buttons (1 to 16) Press the individual camera buttons to display the
selected camera full screen. Buttons 1 to 9 are also
used to enter passwords.
In the PTZ mode, press Camera 1 to zoom in and
Camera 2 to zoom out. Press Camera 3 to focus near
and Camera 4 to focus far. Press Camera 5 to move
to the preset and Camera 6 to save the preset.
2 Clip Copy LED The Clip Copy LED lights when the DVR is
3 Alarm Out LED The Alarm Out LED lights when alarm output or
internal buzzer is activated.
4 Arrow Buttons These buttons are used to navigate through menus
and GUI. You can also use them to change numbers
by highlighting a number in the menu and using the
Up and Down arrows to increase or decrease the
number's value.
These buttons are also used to control Pan and Tilt
when in the PTZ mode. When in the PIP display
format, press the Up and Down arrows to move the
position of the small screen counter-clockwise and
clockwise, and press the Left and Right arrows to
change the PIP screen size.
In the playback mode, press to play video
backward at high speed. Press again to toggle the
playback speed from , and . The
screen displays , and respectively.
Press to play video forward at high speed. Press
again to toggle the playback speed from ,
and . The screen displays , and
respectively. When in the pause mode, press to
move to the next image and press to move to the
previous image.
5 PLAY/PAUSE Button In the live monitoring mode, press to freeze the
current screen. The screen displays the icon. When
in the playback mode, press to play back images
at regular speed or pause playing video.
Press to select a highlighted item or complete an
entry that you have made during system setup.
6 DISPLAY/SPOT Button Press DISPLAY/SPOT to toggle different display
formats. The available formats are: PIP, 2x2, 3x3 and
Press and hold DISPLAY/SPOT for two seconds or
longer to select which cameras display on the Spot