Page 22 of 24 2442-222/2442-422/2442-522 - Rev: 1/21/2014 8:00 AM
Stuck/Disabled Buttons
If Micro module’s buttons are not responding, they may have been disabled due to a stuck button. If any
button is pressed during power-up, or after power-up any Micro module button is pressed for about four
minutes, Micro module engages stuck button mode and automatically disables all button actions. All
buttons will remain disabled until next power cycle.
To re-enable buttons, ensure buttons are not being pressed, turn off breaker supplying power to Micro
module and turn it back on. Micro module buttons should function again. Additionally, check Micro
module’s installation location for any obstacles that could be pressing the buttons on Micro module’s face
and causing stuck button mode.
Phase Bridge Detect Beacon/RF Range Test
Micro module automatically bridges the electrical phases in your home (via communications with other
dual-band devices on the “other phase”). This is only important in 2-phase homes with powerline-only
INSTEON products or buildings with both 2- and 3- phase circuits. The phase bridge detect beacon can
also be used as an RF range test to see if your devices are within communication range. You will need at
least one other INSTEON dual-band device installed.
1) Press and hold set button until it beeps
LED will start blinking green
2) Press and hold set button until it beeps a second time
LED will start blinking red
3) Press and hold set button until it beeps a third time
LED will start blinking green
4) Slowly tap set button 2 times
LED will continue blinking green
5) Press and hold set button until it beeps
Micro module will start beeping once per second
LED will turn solid green
6) Check the LED behavior of other dual-band devices
Phase Bridge Detect Beacon
• If the other dual-band device is blinking green, it is on the other phase:
Device provides a phase bridge to Micro module
• If the other dual-band device is blinking red, it is on the same phase:
Device does not provide a phase bridge to Micro module
Relocate if necessary (and practical)
• If the other dual-band device is not blinking:
Device is not within RF range of Micro module so it does not provide a phase bridge
Relocate if necessary (and practical) or add an additional dual-band device
RF Range Test
• If LED is blinking:
Device is within RF communication range
• If LED is not blinking:
Device is not within RF communication range
Relocate if necessary (and practical) or add an additional dual-band device
7) Tap set button
Micro module will stop beeping
Other device LEDs will stop blinking
If you have tried these solutions, reviewed the owner's manual, and still cannot resolve the issue you are
having visit http://www.insteon.com/support
or call INSTEON Support Line at 866-243-8022.