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LED will turn green.
3) Press and hold the scene controller button until it beeps.
Controller’s LED will blink.
4) Press and hold OutletLinc’s Set button until it double-beeps.
OutletLinc’s LED will flash once and return to green.
Controller will double-beep
and its LED will stop blinking.
5) Confirm that scene addition was successful by tapping on then off on the controller’s scene button.
The light plugged into OutletLinc will toggle on and off.
6) If you wish to adjust the light’s scene on-level and/or ramp rate:
a. Using your scene controller, adjust the light’s brightness to correspond with the ramp rate
desired (see Setting the Ramp Rates
for more information).
b. Double-tap OutletLinc’s Set button.
OutletLinc will beep once.
c. Using your scene controller, adjust the light’s brightness to the desired brightness (on-
level) for your scene.
d. Return to Step 3.
Removing OutletLinc From a Scene as an INSTEON Responder
If you are going to discontinue using OutletLinc, it is very important that you remove it from all of its scene
controllers. Otherwise, the controllers will retry commands repetitively and creating network delays.
1) Press and hold the controller’s scene button until controller beeps.
Controller’s LED will begin blinking.
2) Press and hold the Scene button until Controller beeps again.
Controller’s LED will continue blinking.
3) Press and hold Set button on OutletLinc until it double-beeps.
OutletLinc’s LED will flash once and return to steady green (or red).
Controller’s LED will stop blinking.
4) Confirm that unlinking was successful by tapping the button you just unlinked from on the controller.
OutletLinc will no longer respond.
Advanced Features
Changing the LED Brightness (or Turning Off LED)
1) Press and hold Set button until it beeps.
LED will blink green.
If the controller does not have a beeper, wait until its LED begins blinking.
Most models
For devices without beepers, hold until LED begins blinking (this may take 10+ seconds).
For devices without beepers, hold until LED begins blinking (this may take 10+ seconds).