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X10 Settings
Setting the X10 Address
Most INSTEON devices are X10 ready, meaning that they can respond to X10 commands from any X10
controller. And it can send X10 commands to X10 devices. However, to operate an INSTEON device in
X10 mode, you must first set up an X10 address. As it ships from the factory, or after a factory reset
procedure, INSTEON devices will have no X10 address set up.
Follow these instructions to allow In-LineLinc Relay to respond to X10 commands:
1) Press and hold In-LineLinc’s Set button until it double-beeps.
You will have 4 minutes to complete the next step before linking mode times out.
2) From an X10 controller, send the X10 address you want to assign followed by the ON command three
For example, to use the address A1, send A1-ON-A1-ON-A1-ON.
3) Once In-LineLinc has received the preceding sequence, it will double-beep and automatically exit
linking mode.
Removing the X10 Address
If you are no longer going to control In-LineLinc Relay with an X10 address, it is very important that you
unlink it. Otherwise In-LineLinc Relay will respond to the X10 command, and may cause turn on by itself.
Follow these instructions to allow In-LineLinc Relay to respond to X10 commands:
1) Press and hold In-LineLinc’s Set button until it double-beeps.
2) Press and hold In-LineLinc’s Set button until it double-beeps again.
You will have 4 minutes to complete the next step before unlinking mode times out.
3) From an X10 controller, send the X10 address you want to remove followed by the ON command
three times.
For example, to remove the address A1, send A1-ON-A1-ON-A1-ON.
4) Once In-LineLinc has received the preceding sequence, it will double-beep and automatically exit
unlinking mode.
Additional Resources
Find home automation solutions, helpful tips, interactive demos, videos, user forums, and more at the
INSTEON Learning Center: www.smarthome.com/learningcenter.html
Manufacturer Product Number
2475S2, INSTEON In-LineLinc Relay (Non-Dimming) with
Patent Number
Protected under U.S. and foreign patents (see