
General Description
This manual provides service information for the ENCAD, Inc.
Croma24 Color Inkjet Printer.
There are three versions to the Croma24 Color Inkjet Printer
CAD version GA & CAD version GA version
for: CAD market GA & CAD GA
I/O: parallel serial & parallel serial & parallel
includes: ENCAD software RIP
All versions will have an ADI Windows driver and print utility.
This manual is written for service personnel who possess analog
and digital circuitry experience. Chapter 2, Theory of Operation,
should be read and thoroughly understood before troubleshooting/
calibrating the printers.
The printers support pre-cut and roll media. Media size is auto-
matically determined and hardclip limits are set accordingly. Pre-
cut media uses different maximum plotting areas than roll media.
See the Printer Specifications for more details.
Both RS-422 serial and Centronics parallel connections are pro-
vided to interface with the host computer on the GA (Graphic Arts)
compatable versions. Only the Centronics parallel connection
exists on the CAD only version. Commands sent from the host
computer are in Encad RTL format.
Drivers are supplied to support Windows-based PC’s (3.XX, 95, and
NT) as well as Macintosh and Power PC computers.
These printers expand upon ENCAD’s tradition of delivering fast,
high-quality color or monochrome graphics for a variety of applica-
tions. ENCAD has made significant advances in designing these