Menu Navigation—Continued
•Preamp Volume: Only displayed if the room is a
• Mode: Track Two options track or Independent
•Track Offset: 0 –37 to +25 range of adjustment.
• Return Steps back to More function menu.
• Return: Steps back to the Primary func-
tions menu.
■ System Setup
The System Setup menu is entered by pushing and hold-
ing the Multi Jog for > 10 seconds.
Rotating the Multi Jog displays the next System Setup
function in the list:
• Set Clock
• Restore Defaults
• Setup Lockout
• Return
Set Clock:
The clock is 24-Hour mode, and is set by first adjusting
the hours, then minutes and finally the day, after which
the menu escapes back to “Set Clock”.
Presets can be created, Alarm Clock and Paging preset
The menu has the following selections:
• Clear alarms Deletes all Alarm Clock program-
•Preset 1 Creates preset 1. The following
setup is the same for all other pre-
• Set Alarm Sets the time and day(s) the alarm
is to operate.
• Alarm Enable Activates the alarm.
• Set up Preset Displays a Preset version of the
Primary functions menu where
function values are adjusted.
Select PS 1 to save and exit.
• Room Selection Rooms may be excluded from the
• Return Escapes to the Preset Menu.
•Preset 2 Creates preset 2.
•Preset 3 Creates preset 3.
•Preset 4 Creates preset 4.
•Preset 5 Creates preset 5.
•Preset 6 Creates preset 6.
•Page Preset Creates page preset.
• Return: Escapes to the Setup Menu.
Restore Defaults:
Clears the amplifier memory deleting Zone assignments,
Room names, Zone Linking, Maximum Volume Limits,
Bass, Treble & Balance adjustments, Loudness settings,
Preset and Alarm clock and Preset programming. Select
Yes to Restore Defaults.
Setup Lockout:
Locks access to the System Setup and More menus
where installation critical adjustments can be made.
To clear the Setup lockout enter, enter the Setup Menu
by holding down the multi Jog for > 10 seconds and
enter the password: 1396
When entered returns to the “Primary Functions” menu.
■ Protection
If the MZA-4.7 is operated in a confined space and in
very high ambient temperatures the thermal protection
may activate. Upon activation a protection message and
temperature is displayed.
The message is cleared either when the multi jog is
pressed, or when the temperatures normalise. The reduc-
tion of volume is turned off when the temperature of the
amplifier drops back to normal.
•Protection: 100˚C All zones have volume reduced
•Protection: 105˚C All zones are shutdown until the
temperature reduces below 50˚C.