Vol. 3 15-9
• If IA32_MCG_CAP[10] is 0, bits 52:38 also contain “Other Information”
(in the same sense as bits 37:32).
• If IA32_MCG_CAP[10] is 1, bits 52:38 are architectural (not model-
specific). In this case, bits 52:38 reports the value of a 15 bit counter that
increments each time a corrected error is observed by the MCA recording
bank. This count value will continue to increment until cleared by
software. The most significant bit, 52, is a sticky count overflow bit.
• If IA32_MCG_CAP[11] is 0, bits 56:53 also contain “Other Information”
(in the same sense).
• If IA32_MCG_CAP[11] is 1, bits 56:53 are architectural (not model-
specific). In this case, bits 56:53 have the following functionality:
• If IA32_MCG_CAP[24] is 0, bits 56:55 are reserved.
• If IA32_MCG_CAP[24] is 1, bits 56:55 are defined as follows:
• S (Signaling) flag, bit 56 - Signals the reporting of UCR errors in this
MC bank. See Section 15.6.2 for additional detail.
• AR (Action Required) flag, bit 55 - Indicates (when set) that MCA
error code specific recovery action must be performed by system
software at the time this error was signaled. See
Section 15.6.2 for
additional detail.
• If the UC bit (Figure 15-5) is 1, bits 54:53 are undefined.
• If the UC bit (Figure 15-5) is 0, bits 54:53 indicate the status of the
hardware structure that reported the threshold-based error. See
Table 15-1.
• PCC (processor context corrupt) flag, bit 57 — Indicates (when set) that the
state of the processor might have been corrupted by the error condition detected
and that reliable restarting of the processor may not be possible. When clear, this
Table 15-1. Bits 54:53 in IA32_MCi_STATUS MSRs
when IA32_MCG_CAP[11] = 1 and UC = 0
Bits 54:53 Meaning
00 No tracking - No hardware status tracking is provided for the structure reporting this
01 Green - Status tracking is provided for the structure posting the event; the current
status is green (below threshold). For more information, see
Section 15.4, “Enhanced
Cache Error reporting”.
10 Yellow - Status tracking is provided for the structure posting the event; the current
status is yellow (above threshold). For more information, see
Section 15.4, “Enhanced
Cache Error reporting”.
11 Reserved