58 536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual
Intel Confidential
Error Correction and Data Compression
\An 3
MNP Block Size: This command specifies the maximum number of data bytes in an MNP data frame. A
smaller frame size may improve throughput on high-impairment (noisy) telephone lines.
Range: 0–3
n = 0 Maximum 64 characters
n = 1 Maximum 128 characters
n = 2 Maximum 192 characters
n = 3* Maximum 256 characters
\Bn 3
Transmit Break: This command causes the modem to send a break (attention signal) to the remote for
duration specified by ‘n’. ‘n’ is specified in 100 ms units. When n = 0, the default break length is used.
Range: 0–9
\Cn 0
Set Auto-Reliable Buffer (requires a license from Microcom*): In auto-reliable mode (+ES=3,0,2), this
command determines the fallback method and enables data buffering. The settings for this command are
used by the modem during the V.42 detection phase.
Range: 0–2
n = 0* Does not buffer data.
n = 1 Reserved.
n = 2 Does not buffer data. Switches to buffer (normal) mode upon receipt of auto-reliable
fallback character and passes it to serial port. This feature allows non-V.42 modems to
connect immediately to a V.42 modem without data loss.
\Gn 0
Set Modem Port Flow Control: In buffer (normal) mode (either +ES=1,0,1 or after fallback), this
command enables modem-to-modem flow control using XOFF (13h) to stop and XON (11h) to start
transmission between modems.
n = 0, 1
n = 0* Disables port flow control
n = 1 Sets port flow control to XON/XOFF
\Jn 0
bps Rate Adjust Control: If this command is enabled, the serial port speed automatically changes to the
modem-connection speed. This forces the user to change the DTE-to-modem bps rate, if needed. If the
command is disabled, the serial port speed is independent of the connection speed, which allows much
greater throughput when using error correction and data compression.
n = 0, 1
n = 0* Turns off feature
n = 1 Turns on feature
Table 21. V.44/V.42/V.42 bis and MNP Data Modem Command Descriptions (Continued)
Command Default Description
NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.