500.bok : 50007 123 Fri Sep 11 14:52:16 1998
C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Use and Troubleshooting
Start-up Problems
I’ve forgotten my password
Explanation: You are prompted for a password on the Login
Action: Enter Maintenance Mode, and type:
run defparm.
Consequence: This resets the configuration to the default values so
you can assign a new password.
When I make changes to the switch’s configuration, they take effect but as soon as the
switch is powered off and on again the changes are lost
Explanation: When you change the switch’s configuration, you are
changing the current active configuration that is running in RAM.
However, every time the switch starts up it loads the configuration
that is stored in its flash memory. Therefore, if you make a change
to the configuration and want to keep it, you need to save the new
configuration to the switch’s flash memory.
Action: Save the configuration changes to flash memory.
To check the status of the configuration, select
Performance Problems
One or more workstations cannot communicate with a server or other device through
the switch
Explanation: This symptom might be noticed on one or more seg-
ments connected to the switch, and could be caused by cable faults,
inappropriate configuration or faulty installation.
Action: Check all connections and verify your configuration.
Check any error counters for the ports.
The 100Mbps ports are not working, or work very poorly
Explanation: This is probably due to incorrect configuration of
the auto-negotiation duplex settings and link speeds.
Action: Check the negotiated settings in the switch and compare
them to the expected values.