device considerations, 11-1–11-11
device reset, 11-8, 11-9, 11-10, 11-11
interrupt processor, 2-6, 6-1
minimum configuration, 11-1
NMI considerations, 6-6
noise protection, 11-4
reset instruction, 4-14
SIO port considerations, 8-6
HLDA#, 13-4, 13-30, B-8
HLDEN bit, 5-14, 13-32
Hold latency, See bus-hold protocol
HOLD#, 13-4, 13-30, B-9
considerations, 7-9
Hypertext manuals and datasheets, downloading,
I/O ports
after reset, 13-18
Idle mode, 2-12, 12-5–12-6, 12-7
entering, 12-6
exiting, 12-6, 12-7
timeout control, 10-6
IDLPD instruction, A-2, A-20, A-52, A-59, A-67
IDLPD #1, 12-6
IDLPD #2, 12-8
IDLPD #3, 12-6
illegal operand, 11-9, 11-11
Immediate addressing, 4-7
INC instruction, A-2, A-21, A-47, A-53, A-60
INCB instruction, A-2, A-21, A-47, A-53, A-60
Indexed addressing, 4-11
and register RAM, 5-11
and windows, 5-21
Indirect addressing, 4-7
and register RAM, 5-11
with autoincrement, 4-8
Input pins
level-sensitive, B-6
sampled, B-6
INST, 13-4, B-9
after reset, 13-18
Instruction fetch
reset location, 5-2
See also 1-Mbyte mode, 64-Kbyte mode
Instruction set, 4-1
additions, 4-5–4-6
and PSW flags, A-5
code execution, 2-4, 2-5
conventions, 1-3
differences, 4-5
execution times, A-60–A-61
lengths, A-53–A-60
opcode map, A-2–A-3
opcodes, A-47–A-52
overview, 4-1–4-5
protected instructions, 6-7
reference, A-1–A-3
See also RISM
INTEGER, defined, 4-3
Interrupts, 6-1–6-36
and bus-hold, See bus-hold protocol
controller, 2-6, 6-1
end-of-PTS, 6-18
inhibiting, 6-7
latency, 6-7–6-9, 6-23
calculating, 6-8
pending registers‚ See EPA_PEND,
priorities, 6-4, 6-5
modifying, 6-13–6-15
procedures, PLM-96, 4-13
processing, 6-2
programming, 6-10–6-15
selecting PTS or standard service, 6-10
service routine
processing, 6-14
sources, 6-5
unused inputs, 11-2
vectors, 5-7, 6-1, 6-5
memory locations, 5-6, 5-7
Italics, defined, 1-4
JBC instruction, A-2, A-5, A-21, A-47, A-58, A-66
JBS instruction, A-3, A-5, A-21, A-47, A-58, A-66
JC instruction, A-3, A-5, A-22, A-51, A-58, A-66
JE instruction, A-3, A-5, A-22, A-51, A-58, A-66
JGE instruction, A-2, A-5, A-22, A-51, A-58, A-66
JGT instruction, A-2, A-5, A-23, A-51, A-58, A-66
JH instruction, A-3, A-5, A-23, A-51, A-58, A-66
JLE instruction, A-3, A-5, A-23, A-51, A-58, A-66
JLT instruction, A-3, A-5, A-24, A-51, A-58, A-66