Networks and Security Profile
Local network address:
(The network IP address for the local network sending
and receiving data on this end of the tunnel.)
Local network mask:
(The network mask for the local network.)
Remote network address:
(The network IP address for the remote network
sending and receiving data on the other end of the
Remote network mask:
(The network mask for the remote network.)
Encryption Algorithm:
(The type of encryption to use on the tunnel. The
encryption algorithms supported on your device vary,
depending on the VPN option that you purchased.)
Authentication Algorithm
m MD5 m SHA-1 m None
(The type of authentication to use on the tunnel. SHA-1
offers higher security, but also takes longer to process.
MD5 is the standard used on most devices supporting
p Re-keying Interval based on time
p Re-keying Interval based on traffic
Traffic amount: ____
(How often the device generates a new encryption key,
based on time, traffic, or both. The interval must be at
least 5 minutes, or at least 1 MB, and no greater than
4194303 MB.)
VPN Tunnel Worksheet
Tunnel Identification
Tunnel name:
(A name to identify the tunnel. The name can be
up to 31 characters.)
Remote IP address:
(The IP address for the VPN device at the other
end of the tunnel; the remote peer device.)
Connection for tunnel:
(The connection to the ISP that the router uses to
establish the VPN tunnel; select LAN 2 from the list for
the 8205 router)
Local user ID:
(The user ID that identifies this router. Only required
when using dynamically assigned IP addresses for the
Shared Key
(The key is between 8 and 63 characters. For maximum
security, enter a key that is as long as possible using a
combination of numbers, letters, and symbols.)
These pages help you gather needed information to
create a VPN Internet tunnel using the VPN Tunnel
VPN tunnels created with the VPN Tunnel Wizard
use default settings for a number of parameters. If
necessary, you can modify these parameters using
Advanced Setup. Advanced Setup is accessible from
IntelĀ® Device View and from Local Management.
For more information on configuring a VPN tunnel
using Advanced Setup, see the Online
Documentation on the Intel Device View CD-ROM.
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