interrupt handler The module responsible for handling interrupts that
are to be serviced by user-written interrupt service
interrupt latency The delay between an interrupt request and the time
when the first instruction in the interrupt service
routine begins execution.
interrupt response time The time delay between an interrupt request and the
resulting break in the current instruction stream.
interrupt service routine (ISR) The software routine that services an interrupt.
latency The amount of time between the interrupt request and
the execution of the first instruction in the interrupt
service routine.
level-triggered The mode in which a device or component recognizes
a high level (logic one) or a low level (logic zero) of
an input signal as the assertion of that signal. See also
LSB Least-significant bit of a byte or least-significant byte
of a word.
maskable interrupt An interrupt that can be disabled (masked) by its
individual mask bit in an interrupt enable register. All
8XC251SB interrupts, except the software trap
(TRAP), are maskable.
MSB Most-significant bit of a byte or most-significant byte
of a word.
multiplexed bus A bus on which the data is time-multiplexed with
(some of) the address bits.
n-channel FET A field-effect transistor with an n-type conducting
path (channel).
n-type material Semiconductor material with introduced impurities
(doping) causing it to have an excess of negatively
charged carriers.
nibble A half-byte or four bits.
nonmaskable interrupt An interrupt that cannot be disabled (masked). The
software trap (TRAP) is the 8XC251SB’s only
nonmaskable interrupt.