C H A P T E R 3 Intel® NetStructure™ 6000 Switch Modules User Guide
Overview of the Fast Ethernet
The Intel® NetStructure™ 6000 switch has two Fast Ethernet
modules. One is a 100Base-TX card which can upgrade your Ethernet
network to Fast Ethernet by supporting both 10Mbps and 100Mbps
on each switched port.
The other module is a 100Base-FX card which can directly upgrade
your Ethernet network to 100Mbps.
10/100 Ethernet Module
This module is a 24-port 100Base-TX Ethernet card. It supports full-
and half-duplex 10 and 100Mbps data transfer and auto-negotiation.
Setting Auto-negotiation
Auto-negotiation allows each end of a link to query the other to
determine a compatible mode of operation. For example, if both links
support full-duplex operation, then the switch can determine this
When a link becomes active, the switch determines the highest
throughput mode of operation between the two devices.
The Control Process (CP) software also includes commands that
allow the speed and duplex of the ports to be manually set.
Note The default setting is “autoneg 100 10 full half.” The link
uses autonegotiation to choose the best mode. This is usu-
ally the best setting unless the remote partner is not working
properly. When the remote partner is not capable of autone-
gotiation, the port autosenses the speed and defaults to half
Type the privileged set link port_number options command, where
port_number is one of the global ports on the chassis and options are
autoneg or noautoneg, 10, 100, half or full.
Intel Switch>#>set link 6 100 FULL no autoneg