
ATX12V Power Supply Design Guide
Version 2.0
4. Mechanical
4.1. Labeling / Marking
The following is a non-inclusive list of suggested markings for each power supply unit.
Product regulation stipulations for sale into various geographies may impose additional
labeling requirements.
Manufacturer information: manufacturers name, part number, and lot date code, etc.,
in human-readable text and/or bar code formats
Nominal AC input operating voltages (100-127 VAC and 200-240 VAC) and current
rating certified by all applicable safety agencies (Section 8)
DC output voltages and current ratings
Access warning text (Do not remove this cover. Trained service personnel only. No
user serviceable components inside.) in English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese,
and Japanese with universal warning markings
4.2. Physical Dimensions
The supply shall be enclosed and meet the physical outline shown in either Figure 8 or 9, as