6-10 PRO/100 LAN+Modem PC Card User’s Guide
Ln Monitor Speaker Volume
The ATLn command, where n represents 0, 1, 2, or 3, is listed here for
backward compatibility reference only. The volume of the monitor
speaker is controlled by the laptop computer, not by the modem.
Mn Speaker On/Off Selection
The ATMn command, where n represents 0, 1, 2, or 3, enables or disables
the transmission of sound signals from the modem to the computer
speaker. (Sound production also requires that the computer speaker be
M0 Speaker always off.
M1 Speaker on until data carrier is detected
M2 Speaker always on when modem is off-hook
M3 Speaker off as digits are dialed, then on after dialing
until data carrier is detected
Nn Negotiation of Handshaking Options
The ATNn command, where n represents 0 or 1, determines whether or
not the sending modem performs a negotiated handshake when the speed
of the answering modem is different from that of the sending modem.
N0 When originating or answering, handshake only at the
communication standard specified by the contents of S-
Register S37 and the ATBn command option selected.
N1 When originating or answering, handshake only at the
communication standard specified by the contents of S-
Register S37 and the ATBn command option selected.
During handshaking, fall back to a lower speed, if
required. (default)
On Online Command
If the modem has been switched to command mode, typing in the ATO0
command will return it to the online mode with the existing connection.