3 Chapter 1
PMC (PCI Mezzanine Card) IEEE1386.1 Compliant
The MIC-3358 support one PMC site and compliant with PICMG 2.3
(PCI Mezzanine Card) specification. This 32-bit/33MHz PMC interface
provides front access capability by PMC modules for various function
Complete I/O Functions
The MIC-3358 offers all the I/O functions of an industrial computer with
the rugged Eurocard form factor. The rest of I/O have fully connected to
the rear I/O module via user-define connector (J3 and J5) on the back-
plane. These I/O contain one Gigabit Ethernet port, one RJ-45 COM port,
two USB 2.0 ports, one VGA connector, and one PMC site. The front
panel also has a reset button and LEDs for hot swap indication, power sta-
tus, HDD operation and Ethernet communication. The built-in high speed
IDE controller provides two separate IDE channels with Ultra DMA/33/
66/100 mode. The user-defined J3 connector is designed to support two
IDE devices, one floppy drives, one printer device, LAN 1/2 for PCIMG
2.16. These drives can simply be connected to the backplane or to the rear
transition board for easy service and maintenance.
Meets Switch Fabric, Mission Critical and Computing Intensive
Application requirements
Supporting the PICMG 2.16 specification, the MIC-3358 delivers a cost
performance platform for those applications that demand for low power
and high performance. It is an ideal platform for emerging application
such as switch-fabric blade server, mission critical and computing inten-
sive applications like third-generation (3G) wireless, voice over Internet
protocol (VoIP), networking, image processing and the converged data
and voice communication applications.
The two-layer front panel design complies with IEEE 1101.10. Connec-
tors are firmly screwed to the front panel, and the replaceable shielding
gasket is attached to the panel edge. This reduces emissions and gives
better protection against external interference. A watchdog timer can
automatically reset the system if the system stops abnormally.
1.2 Specifications
Standard SBC Functions
• CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 processor-M u-FCPGA socket
• BIOS: Award 4Mb flash memory