Intel NetStructure
MPRTM0020 Technical Product Specification – April 2006 7
Document Organization
Document Organization 1
The Intel NetStructure
MPRTM0020 Rear Transition Module Technical Product Specification is
organized as follows:
• Chapter 1, “Document Organization” provides a table of acronyms and terms that are used
throughout the document.
• Chapter 2, “Functional Overview” describes the features of the Rear Transition Module.
• Chapter 3, “Operating the Unit” includes information about installing and removing the Rear
Transition Module.
• Chapter 4, “Module Components” describes the functional components of the Rear Transition
• Chapter 5, “RTM Management Architecture” describes support for a non-intelligent Rear
Transition Module in an IPMC environment.
• Chapter 6, “Detailed Specifications” includes detailed environmental, mechanical and
reliability specifications for the Rear Transition Module.
• Chapter 7, “Warranty Information” includes product warranty information.
• Chapter 8, “Customer Support” offers technical and sales assistance information for the Rear
Transition Module.
• Chapter 9, “Certifications” provides information about product certifications.
• Chapter 10, “Agency Information” provides product compliance information.
• Chapter 11, “Safety Warnings” includes several safety warnings about working with the Rear
Transition Module.
1.1 Acronyms and Terms
Table 1. Acronyms and Terms (Sheet 1 of 2)
Term Definition
AdvancedTCA* Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
Blade, Board
These terms are used interchangeably to refer to an assembled PCB card that plugs into a
chassis slot.
CPU Central Processing Unit. A microprocessor.
DPM Defects Per Million
ENA Enable
FIT Failures In Time
Field Replaceable Unit. Logically represents an entity that can be queried for sensor data,
and perhaps an entity that has a satellite management controller. Example FRUs can
include an entire SBC or a power supply.
HA Highly Available.