GigPMC Switch Board and Driver Users Manual
DSS NETWORKS, INC. Version: 2.6 Page: 4
The GigMAC and GigPMC-switch family of network adapter cards and switches are a
high-performance, cost-effective solution for adding Gigabit Ethernet connectivity to any
embedded or real-time network appliance or network access device equipped with a
PCI slot or PMC mezzanine site and is ideal for embedded systems utilizing add-on
modules including PCI, Compact PCI and VME based systems.
The GigMac and GigPMC-switch family includes optimized, high-performance driver
support for VxWorks and Linux. Instructions for Linux driver installation are included in
this manual. In addition, a companion document titled “VxWorks Users Manual and
Integration Guide” is provided for technical assistance in integrating and testing the
driver in an embedded real-time VxWorks environment.
Please also see the following documents on our website at www.dssnetworks.com and
also included in the OEM developers kit CD:
Datasheets – please see product datasheets and other updated product information on
OEM developer CD and on website.
Release Notes -- where updated information is provided on new features, compatibility,
performance benchmarks, platform information and corrected problems.
VxWorks Users Manual and Integration Guide, DSS Document part no 131901.
Provides technical information on integrating and testing our controllers and drivers into
a VxWorks BSP and system board.
GIGFAQ.HTML – Also on website and included on OEM developer CD contains many
answers to commonly asked questions regarding Gigabit Ethernet and our products
including performance and system recommendations.
README.LINUX – Included on OEM developer CD contains latest driver installation
and usage instructions for Linux Operating System.
netPerformance.txt -- Included on OEM developer CD contains useful information on
tuning the VxWorks network protocol stack.
The GigMAC and GigPMC-Switch family is fully compliant with the following standards: