114 Software Developer’s Manual
EEPROM Interface
Note: Since the 82546GB/EB is a dual-port device, the Management Control in 13h corresponds to LAN
B, and the Management Control in 23h corresponds to LAN A.
5.6.25 SMBus Slave Address (Word 14h
low byte, 24h low byte)
The following table lists the SMBus slave address for TCO mode.
Note: This byte must be C8h for ASF mode. For example, to program an address of 0011_001b, the byte
should be set to 0011_0010b. When this address is used on the SMBus, the address byte is
0011_0010b for writes and 0011_0011b for reads.
Note: Since the 82546GB/EB is a dual-port device, the SMBus Slave Address in 14h corresponds to
LAN B, and the SMBus Slave Address in 24h corresponds to LAN A.
Bit Name Description
2 Reset on Force TCO
This bit is controlled by the ASF agent. Manually set this bit for
TCO mode.
Reset the Ethernet controller on a ForceTCO SMBus Command
with the “Force” bit set to 1b (default) in TCO mode, or on various
conditions in ASF mode.
Set this bit to 0b if the SMBus is disabled.
1 ASF Mode
This bit is controlled by the ASF agent.
Set this bit to 1b to enable ASF mode.
Set this bit to 0b (default) for TCO mode and Intel’s ASF Agent
0SMBus Enable
This bit is controlled by the ASF agent. Manually set this bit for
TCO mode.
Set this bit to 1b (default) to enable SMBus functionality.
Set this bit to 0b to enable ASF mode if its being routed by LAN A
and if LAN A is the active interface for ASF to the BIOS.
1. Applicable to the 82546GB/EB only.
Table 5-10. Initial Management Control Register Settings
Table 5-11. SMBus Slave Address
Bit Name Description
7:1 SMBus Slave Address
These bits are controlled by the ASF agent. Manually set these bits for
TCO mode.
Contains the SMBus slave address for TCO mode. This address must
be 1100b 100b for ASF mode.
0 Reserved Set this bit to 0b.