SA-1110 Developer’s Manual 207
Peripheral Control Module
Table 11-2 shows the base address for each of the peripheral control units.
The PPC does not support DMA requests.
11.3 Interrupts
Each peripheral unit interfaces to the interrupt controller within the system control module. The
interrupt controller contains a 32-bit interrupt pending register, which when read, informs the user
of all the units on the SA-1110 that are currently generating an unmasked interrupt. Once the user
determines which unit is causing the interrupt, the unit’s status registers can be read to determine
the exact cause of the interrupt. This mechanism provides a two-level approach to identify the
source of any interrupt from the hundreds of possible interrupt sources that exist on the SA-1110.
Each of the peripheral units generate either one or two interrupts that correspond to specific
interrupt pending bits within the interrupt controller. Serial port 1 contains one serial engine and
one logic engine. Serial port 4 contains two independent serial engines. Although each peripheral
uses only one set of pins for serial communication, the user may choose to use both logic blocks
within serial ports 1 and 4 by assigning one of the two protocols to communicate off-chip by taking
control of GPIO pins. Because the two logic blocks within serial ports 1 and 4 can operate at the
same time, these two units are assigned two separate interrupt request numbers within the interrupt
controller's pending register, except for serial port 1's GPCLK unit which does not generate an
interrupt request. units.Table 11-3 shows the interrupt level for each of the peripheral control units.
Table 11-2. Peripheral Unit Base Addresses
Peripheral Serial Protocol Base Address
LCD Controller 0h B010 0000
Serial Port 0 USB 0h 8000 0000
Serial Port 1
UART 0h 8001 0000
GPCLK 0h 8002 0000
Serial Port 2
UART 0h 8003 0000
HSSP 0h 8004 0000
Serial Port 3 UART 0h 8005 0000
Serial Port 4
MPC 0h 8006 0000
SSP 0h 8007 0000
Peripheral Pin Controller (PPC)
0h 9006 0000
Table 11-3. Peripheral Unit Interrupt Numbers
LCD controller 12
Serial port 0: USB 13
Serial port 1: UART 15
Serial port 2: ICP 16
Serial port 3: UART 17
Serial port 4:
MCP 18
SSP 19