Chapter 2 – Hardware Operation
WalkAbout Computers HAMMERHEAD RT User’s Guide – V030105
Keyboard: Industry standard 5 din PS2 style keyboard
LPT 1: Industry standard 25-pin Centronics compatible
parallel connector.
COM 1: Industry standard DB-9 serial connector.
COM 2: COM 2 on most docking solutions is a full, nine-
pin DB-9 serial connector, although only a
subset of standard signals are supported.
Thumb Thumbscrews secure a positive connection.
screws: Insert the port replicator fully before engaging
thumbscrews. Be careful not to over tighten
The standard port replicator also doubles as a desktop stand for the
HAMMERHEAD RT. Simply press the male docking connector on the
port replicator into the female docking connector on the back of the unit.
The connectors are correctly oriented and only fit in one direction. It is
impossible to join them incorrectly. Make sure the connector is fully
inserted confirming the port replicator fits snuggly against the back of the
computer. Turn the thumbscrews in a clockwise direction to ensure a
reliable, positive connection. Do not over tighten. Do not connect the
port replicator to the computer while power is attached to the port
replicator. Attach the port replicator and then attach the power to the
port replicator.
Flat port replicators and custom cable sets are available when
connectivity is needed while the unit is mobile. External power should be
connected to the port replicators after
being firmly connected to the
HAMMERHEAD RT. Some custom configurations provide access to
ports in the computer housing.
Chapter 2 – Hardware Operation
WalkAbout Computers HAMMERHEAD RT User’s Guide – V030105
Desktop docking station
The Desktop Docking Station
(DESKDOCK) provides complete
connectivity and integrated options (e.g.
LAN adapter, fax/modem, etc.) for using
the HAMMERHEAD RT on a desktop.
The DESKDOCK offers the following
connectors for the connection of external
• Two RS-232 serial ports (COM1 and COM2 – 3-wire serial)
• One Centronics-compatible parallel port/floppy interface
• One keyboard port
• Power connector
• One USB port
• One SVGA video port
If the HAMMERHEAD RT is equipped with video output capabilities, one
COM port can be used as a VGA port. If a DESKDOCK is equipped for
communication with a network, the connection is made through the USB
Vehicle docking
The HAMMERDOCK offers compact versatile mounting for a variety of
automobiles. The one-piece aluminum body ensures sturdy docking with
no adjustments. The HAMMERDOCK has tilt swivel functionality, a built-
in keyboard tray, and a push button key lock. A breakout box with a 3-
foot or 6-foot cable provides convenient installation for permanent
Front View
Rear View