
WWW.CRU-DATAPORT.COM • (800) 260-9800
Advance Replacement:
Advance Replacement requests require an Advance Replacement Authori-
zation, pre-approved by a CRU-DataPort Technical Support Specialist.
Advance Replacements also require a credit card to secure the product
being replaced. Advance replacements will typically ship within one day of
RMA issue date and authorization. CRU-DataPort will pay outbound freight
and insurance only.
Defective Product Return Beyond 30 Days:
CRU-DataPort products under warranty, but beyond 30 days of the original
purchase date, are subject to repair only. To return product(s) after 30
days, please follow the guidelines below, in addition to the general RMA
guidelines described above in the “Material Return” section.
Prior to returning defective product(s), contact a CRU-DataPort Technical
Support Specialist for problem analysis and replacement approval at 800-
Defective product(s) must be sent freight pre-paid and insured by the
Repair replacement product(s) will be return shipped from CRU-DataPort,
freight pre-paid and insured by CRU-DataPort, within three to seven
business days of receipt (depending on quantity & repair type). Please
allow sufficient shipping time to and from locations; allow three business
days for repair. CRU-DataPort ships all repairs via standard UPS ground
unless otherwise agreed to when the RMA is issued.
Rev. 1