Chapter 3 — Configuring Label Transmit Settings
52 SR60 Scanner Programmer’s Reference Manual
Setting a Single-Character Prefix or Suffix
The scanner does not transmit a prefix or suffix character if its
hex value is set to zero.
To set a prefix or suffix that has only one character
1 Using the ASCII chart on page 158, identify the ASCII
character and the corresponding hex code for the single-
character prefix or suffix.
For example, suppose you want to use the Space (SP)
character. The ASCII charts shows that SP equals 20 hex.
2 Scan the SET bar code on page 53.
3 Scan the Set Prefix or Set Suffix bar code.
4 Using the list of bar codes that starts on page 154, scan the
two digits corresponding to the hex value you chose in Step 1.
5 Scan the 0 digit twice to disable the transmission of a second
6 For this example, you would scan 2, 0, 0, and 0.
7 Scan the END bar code.
END ------------------------------------------
Note: Successful programming requires four digits for the
label ID.
Note: If you make a mistake or lose your place while setting
this option, scan the END bar code to exit Programming
mode. The scanner sounds a two-beep error tone to indicate
that programming was incomplete, and the setting remains as
it was before entering Programming mode.