Part No 1110532 27 MK
Remote Programmer Terminology
A function is a performance characteristic which can be adjusted or modified to improve
the operation of the wheelchair for a particular control need. Two examples are:
The forward speed function may be adjusted to a higher or lower speed the same way as
you would adjust a trimpot in other controls.
Stand-by Mode Function may be turned ON or OFF the same as a switch would be used.
All functions are listed in a menu.
Each function has a value. It is the degree or amount of the function which is used to
influence the overall wheelchair performance. Most values are numerical or in
percentages, for instance - high speed may be set to 75% of the wheelchair's maximum.
For others, the value is either ON or OFF, for example - Stand-by Mode. Changing a value
is called Adjustment.
Program (Preset Programs with Standard Value Settings)
The standard programs are fixed function values which are used as an initial set up point
from which individualization of the wheelchair performance can begin. Standard values
are NEVER altered or modified. Refer to Programs on page 29.
Temporary Memory
This is the location where function values may be altered to suit individual needs by using
the remote programmer. Unless saved, changes to the values in the temporary memory
will be erased when the wheelchair power is turned off. Refer to User Memory Values
User Memory Values
User memory is the location where the individualized function values are permanently
stored. Each time the power switch is turned on, these values are copied to the temporary
memory and are used to control the wheelchair performance. The user memory values
can only be changed through the Remote Programmer by first modifying the temporary
memory values and then by saving them in the user memory where they become the user
program. The Remote Programmer is activated by pressing the POWER key when the
wheelchair is in neutral. The wheelchair cannot be driven when the LCD display is
illuminated. The display will automatically turn itself OFF after 45 seconds if no keys are
pressed. It can also be turned OFF by pressing the POWER key.