
Part No. 1118395 21
3. STATUS INDICATOR - Located on the top face of the control panel as shown in
DETAIL "A" of FIGURE 1. Status LED will flash in bursts, separated by a pause to
provide diagnostic information. See chart below.
Number of Fault Impact on Notes
Flashes Scooter
1 Battery needs Will drive Battery charge is running low. Recharge the
recharging batteries as soon as possible.
2 Battery voltage Drive Battery charge is empty. Recharge the batteries.
too low inhibited If the scooter is left off for a few minutes, battery
charge may recover sufficiently to allow driving for
a short period of time.
3 Battery voltage Drive Battery charge is too high. Scooter will charge the
too high inhibited batteries when travelling down slopes or
decelerating. Excessive charging in this manner
may cause this fault. Turn the scooter power off
and then back on again.
4 Current Limit Drive The scooter has drawn too much current for too
time-out inhibited long, possibly because the motor has been over-
worked, jammed or stalled. Turn the scooter
power off, leave for a few minutes, and then turn
the power back on again.
The controller has detected a shorted motor.
Check the wiring harness for shorts and check the
motor. Contact dealer or a qualified technician.
5 Brake fault Drive Check that the park brake release lever is in the
inhibited engaged position.
The park brake coil or wiring is faulty. Check the
park brake and wiring for open or short circuits.
Contact dealer or a qualified technician.
6 Out of Neutral Drive Throttle is not in neutral position when turning
At Power Up inhibited key switch on. Return throttle to neutral, turn
power off, and back on again. Throttle may need
to be re-calibrated. Check throttle wiring.
Contact dealer or a qualified technician.
7 Speed Pot error Drive The throttle or its wiring is faulty. Check for open
inhibited or short circuits. Throttle may not be correctly
set up. Contact dealer or a qualified technician.
8 Motor volts error Drive The motor or its wiring is faulty. Check for open
inhibited or short circuits. Contact dealer or a qualified
9 Other internal Drive Contact dealer or a qualified technician.
errors inhibited