Deep lateral contour of the Personal Back10
Plus provides increased midline support
without interfering with upper extremity
range of motion.
Personal Back
10 and Personal Back
10 Plus
he newly re-designed
Personal Back
and Personal Back
10 Plus
combine simplicity of design with
effectiveness of application. The
highly popular Personal Backs
continue to provide the comfort,
postural support, and spinal
alignment that you have come to
expect. However, the new backs
are now more easily installed and
adjusted. Some of the features
• Lightweight aluminum shell
• Pre-contoured shell provides
excellent contact and support
• Pre-drilled headrest pattern
• Quick Set
hardware with increased
Personal Back
The Personal Back10 is an excellent choice for clients
who require comfort and stability with moderate
midline support.
Personal Back
10 Plus
The Personal Back10 Plus is an excellent choice for
clients who require comfort and stability with increased
midline support. It often is recommended when using
the foam-in-place kit.
Pre-drilled headrest mounting pattern accommodates most
major manufacturers’ headrest systems.
Lightweight, durable, aluminum shell is pre-contoured to
provide excellent contact and support.