134 SBG1000 Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Guide
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Configuration: Basic Gateway TCP/IP Wireless Print Server USB
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FCS frame check sequence
A type of connector used to connect coaxial cable to equipment such as the SBG1000.
firewall A security software system on the SBG1000 that enforces an access control policy between the
Internet and the SBG1000 LAN.
flow A data path moving in one direction.
FEC Forward error correction is a technique to correct transmission errors without requiring the transmitter
to resend any data.
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access is a method to allow multiple users to share a specific radio
spectrum. Each active user is assigned an individual RF channel (or carrier) with the carrier frequency
of each channel offset from its adjacent channels by an amount equal to the channel spacing, which
allows the required bandwidth per channel.
frame A unit of data transmitted between network nodes that contains addressing and protocol control data.
Some control frames contain no data.
frequency Number of times an electromagnetic signal repeats an identical cycle in a unit of time, usually one
second, measured in Hz, kHz, mHz, or GHz.
FTP File Transfer Protocol is a standard Internet protocol for exchanging files between computers. FTP is
commonly used to download programs and other files to a computer from web pages on Internet
full-duplex The ability to simultaneously transmit and receive data. See also half-duplex.
gateway A device that enables communication between networks using different protocols. See also router.
The SBG1000 enables up to 253 computers supporting IEEE 802.11b, Ethernet, USB, or HPNA to
share a single broadband Internet connection.
gateway IP
The address of the default gateway router on the internet. Also known as the “giaddr.”
GHz Gigahertz — one billion cycles per second.
GUI graphical user interface