Transmission Microscopy
Light is transmitted through the sample. (For transparent or translucent samples)
Step 1. Selecting your magnification.
Choose and attach the 10x objective or the 2x objective. Lower the stage
to its bottom setting to create more room to work with.
Note: one of the objectives is already attached to the microscope.
Unscrew the objective if it is not the desired objective. Then screw on the
desired objective.
Step 2. Inserting and adjust the sample.
Place the desired sample slide on the stage by sliding it under the
holding clamps (see red arrows). Adjust the slide so that the sample is in
the center of the stage. Tip: press down on the back of the holding
clamps (see blue arrow) while positioning the slide.
Step 3. Setting up the light source.
Turn on a flashlight and direct the beam at the mirror on the bottom
holder. Adjust the holder so that the beam creates a light cone through
the lens in the center of the stage (see yellow arrows).
Step 4. Focusing the microscope.
Look through the eyepiece and focus image by slowly raising or lowering
the stage using the focusing knob.
: Do not view sunlight or other intense light source (ex. Laser
pen, etc.) directly through lenses or mirrors. Permanent eye damage can
occur. Children should have adult supervision when using this device.