Transmission Microscopy
Light is transmitted through the sample. (For transparent or translucent samples)
Step 1. Turning on the illumination unit.
Turn on the illumination unit by pressing the on-off switch.
Step 2. Setting the slide.
Place the desired sample slide on the stage, and push it under the
holding clamps. Alternatively, press down on the back of the holding
clamp (see red arrow).
Step 3. Centering the slide.
Adjust the sample slide, so that the sample is in the light cone from the
illumination unit.
Step 4. Focusing the image.
Look through the eyepiece and focus image by slowly lowering the stage
using the focusing knob.
Focusing knob
Step 5. Increasing the magnification.
Change objective to 10x or 40x, or change the eyepiece to 16x WF
Ocular for a more detailed view. Readjust the focus as necessary.
Step 6. Perfecting the image.
After having selected the desired magnification, try to increase or
decrease the illumination intensity and to rotate the aperture adjustment
wheel. Readjust the focus as necessary.
A smaller aperture opening increases the contrast, but reduces resolution. A larger aperture
opening increases the resolution, but reduces contrast.