Q wHat Is tHe range on tHe Jabra pro 9400 solutIon?
A Jabra PRO 9400 supports a maximum range of up to 150m*
(base to headset). In practice, you may find the range to
be somewhat shorter due to physical obstructions and
electromagnetic interference.
The sound in your headset will slowly deteriorate as you move
farther from the base. Move back into range and sound quality
is restored. If you move all the way out of range while talking,
you will lose all sound, but your call will be held open at the
base for 60 seconds. This gives you the chance to move back
in range. However, after 60 seconds the current call will be
terminated. If you remain out of range for a longer time, you
may need to re-establish the DECT connection manually when
you return (i.e. dock the headset to the base).
Q wHat about conference calls?
A The Jabra PRO 9400 base is able to pair with one primary
headset plus an optional and temporary secondary headset.
This allows you to share your conversation with another
headset user for conference calling.
Q can I turn tHe Headset off to save power wHen I’m
away from tHe base?
A Yes. Press and hold down the headset’s multifunction button
down for 5 seconds. To turn the headset back on again, simply
dock it in its cradle or press the multifunction button. Please
note that this power cycle is the equivalent of resetting the
Q wHat Is tHe talk tIme for a Jabra pro 9400 Headset?
A About 8h for wideband talk mode and up to 10h for
narrowband talk mode.
Q my Headband / earHook / neckband Is broken.
How do I get anotHer one?
A Simply contact your local Jabra supplier and place an order.
You can find the part numbers in the section called “Optional
Accessories” in the user manual.
Q I can’t contact tHe dIal-In server. wHat sHould I do?
A Let the touch screen wizard guide you — you can retry the
automatic setup or try a manual setup of your desk phone. You
can also choose to retry the cable setup. See the section called
“Configuring the Jabra PRO 9400 base for your desk phone” in
the user manual for more information.
* Range varies according to the environment in which the headset is used
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Frequently asked questions
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GN Netcom is a world leader in innovative headset solutions. GN Netcom
develops, manufactures and markets its products under the Jabra brand name.