Blue Star C500 Static Single-phase Watt-hour Meter – IEC 61036 (1.0S)
Page 3 1/26/2005 Rev 1.0.01
1. Features and Applications
Blue Star’s C500 watt-hour meter meets the IEC 61036 (class 1.0S)
standard for energy meters. The main features of C500 include none
physical adjustment components, digital signal processing, digital filters,
digital error correction, digital calibration, immunity to temperature
fluctuation, and excellent stability. Due to its 12 times overload multiplier,
A0 can record energy usage of extreme low load. It can precisely
measure the voltage, current and power.
The basic function of C500 is single-phase active import and export
energy metering.
Infrared communication protocol complies with IEC1107.
C500 Meter data processing functions include:
1.1 Energy Metering
1. Energy measurement via digital measuring chips in order to digitally
verify the metering precision.
2. Active import and export energy metering through data provided by
electrical energy measuring chips.
3. Export energy is added to import energy, and export Energy metering
in independent register. Single rate energy for metering of active import
and export energy.
4. Energy metering ranges from 0 – 9999999.9 kWh or 0 –
5. One channel pulse output test: active energy verifying pulse,the
breadth is 80ms.
6. Pulse indication for energy metering through one LEDs of high
brightness indicating active energy on the left.
1.2 1.2 Data displaying
Data of energy mentioned above can be displayed on LCD. LCD is
“multiplex screen of graphic matrix with paragraph style”. Data are
displayed with matrix English letters.
1.3 1.3 I/O interface
Passive pulse output interface with optical-coupling insulation.
2. Operation Instructions
2.1 Running and display
2.1.1 Operation