Care and Maintenance of SteamPros
Maintenance of the Steampros includes flushing and visually inspecting for water leaks.
To flush the units:
1. Turn OFF power to the unit.
2. To gain access to the SteamPros, the seat wall (equipment wall) must be swung open. To do so, remove the
three screws from door frame (refer to page 17, diagram A). Then remove right front panel. Refer to page 11
and remove the four bolts indicated. Swing seat wall open far enough to remove cascade line from cascade
tee by loosening spring clamp (refer to page 21). Swing seat wall fully open and turn the water supply OFF.
Unplug the SteamPros' power cords and disconnect all plumbing. Remove the SteamPros from their mounting
(refer to illustration below).
3. Flush the tanks out; the drain plug can be removed with an 8 mm hexagonal wrench.
4. Reinstall SteamPros. Turn ON the water supply and check for leaks. Reattach cascade line.
5. Close seat wall, reinstall bolts, screws and panel.
6. Turn ON power to the unit.
Copper Lines
Remove Nuts (Opposite side) and
Remove SteamPros from Studs
Power Cords
Drain Plug
Steam Lines