
Page 50
Serial Communication Kit
TM/TMC-4200CL Series Progressive Scan Cameras
Command Parameter
End of
Cmd Ack. Response Description
:WRPG X <cr> :o<cr> Write Page (X = 0 - 6) (Unlock
the Password first if writing to
page 0) (Page 0 is the factory
default setting, Page 1 is the
power up default setting)
:LDPG X <cr> :o<cr> Load Page (X = 0 - 6)
:RDPG X <cr> :o[settings]<cr> Read Page (X = 0 - 6)
:RPST <cr> :o[settings]<cr> Report Current Settings
Dual Tap Digital Video Output Order
:VDO X <cr> :o[VD][X]<cr> Set Dual Tap Digital Video Out-
put Order (X = A, B, C, ?)
(A <--<--, B <---->, C <<----, ?
Inquire video output order)
Image Pre-processing
:BLC= 0 <cr> :o<cr> Set White Blemish Calibration
:EBL= X <cr> :o[BL][X]<cr> Enable/Disable Blemish Compen-
sation and Inquire Status
(X = 0 Disable, X = 1 Enable,
X = ? Inquire Status)
:DUL= X <cr> :o<cr> Single Tap/Dual Tap Selection (X
= 0 Dual Tap, X = 1 Single Tap)
:DDP= X <cr> :o<cr> Set Output Data Depth (X = 0 8-
bit, X = 1 10-bit, x = 2 12-bit)
:CCS= X <cr> :o<cr> Select Camera Control signals (X
= 0 CL Conn, X = 1 Hirose Conn)
:TAH= X <cr> :o<cr> External Trigger Polarity (X = 1
Active High, X = 0 Active Low)
:TPTN X <cr> :o<cr> Enable/Disable Test Pattern (X =
1 Enable, X = 0 Disable)
:CAM? <cr> :o[model]<cr> Inquire Camera Model
:VER? <cr> :o[version]<cr> Inquire MPU firmware version