
Option: Check Insertion Test if you want the programmer to do an insertion test before
any operation on the device. Check Beeper if you want the programmer to beep after any
operation. .
Initialize Programmer: Clicking on communication will search the programmer through
all possible parallel port. If it finds the programmer, the communication will be
successful. If not, Error message will appear.
Data Buffer Clear: If checked, buffer will be cleared each time IC is changed or when
loading new data from disk. Normally, this should be checked. For multiple file load, it
should be unchecked.
2.5.2 Auto Increment (model dependant)
The function allows serial number or signature to be embedded into EPROM or MCU
devices automatically.
The selection brings up the Auto Increment set dialogue box. You can set Auto start and
Auto end addresses in the buffer, you can also set increment value with any number less
than 10. The increment format allows increment as Binary, ASCII HEX and ASCII
Decimal. If you want to change the current increment data, open the data edit window and
enter data.
For example, suppose you want to program 64 ea chips with IDs of from XT00 to X63 at
end of EPROM locations of 87C51. 4 bytes of decimal format is selected.
a) Click Option > Auto Increment
b) Set Start to FFC and End to FFF
c) Set IncValue to 1
d) Set Format to ASCII Decimal
e) Check out Enable Auto Increment
f) Go into Buffer Edit screen at ASCII zone. Change buffer as follows:
FFC : X FFD: T FFE: 0 FFF: 0