
7. Insert the Software’s CD then Click the Have Disk
8. Under Copy manufacturer’s file from statement
enter D:\Win9x, click the OK button. (Where D is
the letter of your CD ROM drive, typically, D or E
Drives, etc.)
9. Select “Video-208PCI Series, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX
4000”, then Click the OK button.
10. Click the Next button.
11. Click the Finish button.
12. Click the Close button.
13. Click Close at the Display Properties screen.
14. Click the Yes button next to restart computer.
InstallShield® Program:
Since the Microsoft InstallShield® program has been added
into our software’s CD, the Display Driver Installation and its
procedures are much easier for users to run with Windows®
95/98/Me operating systems. When you power-up the
computer and boot-up to Windows, the Plug-and-Play detects
new hardware and it pops-up install wizard. Do Not [Cancel]
because you must place a default display setting from
Microsoft Windows for your video adapter, then restart the
Windows. After the desktop is loaded completely, insert the
software’s CD into CD ROM drive and proceed with the display
driver installation which is provided by the hardware