• Donot use wiretrivets,fire rings,padsorany suchitembetweenthecookware
andthe element.
• Donot cook foodsdirectly on cooktop.
• Donot allowpan to boil dry as this coulddamage the cooktopandthe pan.
• Do not slide heavy metal or glass cookpots across surface since these may
scratch thesurface.
• Donot useor placeplasticitems anywhereon cooktop.
• Donot usecartridgeintheeventa breakhas occurred.CallanauthorizedJenn-
Air ServiceContractor.
• Select heavy gaugecookpots. Usuallyheavy gaugecookpotswill notchange
shapewhen heated.
• Use ¢ookpots with flat, smooth bottoms. To determineif thecookpot isflat,
placethe edgeof a ruleron the bottom. Holdup tothe light. No light shouldbe
visiblebetweentheedge of theruler andthepan. Rejectany pansthat do notfit
flush againstruler'sedge.
• Match thesize ofthe cookpotto the size ofthe element. Cookpotshouldbe
• Do notusecookwarethat extendsmorethan 1inch beyondthecooking area.
• Cookwarethat issmaller indiameterthan thecooking area shouldnot beused.
Notonlycan thiscausetheelementtorequiremoreenergyandtime,butcan also
result in spilloversburning ontothe cookingarea resultingin a cleaningchore.
• Donotusenonflatspecialtyitemsthatareoversized,unevenordonotmeetproper
cookwarespecificationssuch asround bottomwoks with rings,griddles,rippled
bottomcanners, lobsterpots, largepressurecanners,etc. Large utensils,such
aspressurecanners oroversizedskillets,shouldbe usedonlyon conventional
coilcartridges ifthey do not meet this test.
• Glass-ceramic,earthenware,heat proofglassorglazedcookpotsmayscratchthe
glass-ceramiccooktop andtherefore are not recommended.