• The sealed burners are secured to the cooktop and are NOT designed to be
removed.Since thefour burnersaresealed intothe cooktop, boiloverswon'tseep
underneathto the burner boxarea. Thus,thereare no hiddenspills in the burner
box areato clean.
• Cleanwith warm soapy water and a spongeor dishcloth. Burnedon greasecan
be removedwith ahouseholdcleaner,such as Fantastikor 409, anda sponge. To
prevent scratching,do not use abrasivecleaners or scrubbingpads.
Note: Becareful notto get water or spray into burner ports.
Whencleaningaroundthesurfaceburner,use /_, _
care to prevent damage to the spark igniter
whichislocatedatthe backsideofeachburner.
If a cleaning cloth shouldcatch the igniter, it
could damage or break it. If the igniter is Igniter
damagedor broken,the surfaceburnerwill not
The knobs on the control panelcan be removedwith the controlsin the OFF position.
Pulleachknobstraightfromthe shaft. Washknobsinwarm soapywater ordishwasher;
do not use abrasivecleansersor materials. To replace each knob, match flat part of
knobopening with the flat on the shaft, returning in OFFposition.
Important: Neverusea metalbladeto pry knoboff. If knobcannot beeasily removed,
tuckthe folds of a cloth dishtowel under the knob skirt and pull the towel upward with
steady, even pressure.
Important- Becareful to replacethe knobs with gentle pressure. Neverhit the knob
on the shaft with your hand or any other object.
Wipewith a damp cloth. Dry thoroughly. Do not use cleaning sprays, large amounts
of soapand water, abrasives, or sharp objects on the panel. They candamage it.